Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update December 10, 2020
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CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Update December 10, 2020
PureH2O, Ltd. is the leading water treatment technologies company in the Caribbean region. We design, manufacture, install, and service a complete line of water treatment systems for residential and commercial applications.
As experts in the field of water treatment technology our work includes extensive research and study of infectious disease epidemiology with an emphasis on waterborne pathogens and diseases. Our advanced water treatment solutions require in-depth knowledge of microbial and viral infection pathogenetics.
PureH2O, Ltd. is guided by the core belief that we should strive to give more than we take from life. The objective of PureH2O News is to promote public health awareness based on the highest standards of independent research, professional integrity, and objective scientific review.
The Truth About Covid-19
There are essentially two sources from which we can access expert medical knowledge and scientific facts regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. These sources of expert information fall into two categories:
(1) Government and affiliated public health agencies, organizations, and officials; mainstream corporate media; technology and pharmaceutical industries; International NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) and private foundations.
(2) Independent, peer-reviewed, private sector scientific and medical experts with extensive experience in infectious disease epidemiology and pathogenetics, and whose professional credentials and integrity are beyond reproach.
These sources of scientific and medical information shape our understanding of the facts surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic.
For the past year public health agencies and their associated medical experts have consistently advanced the narrative that Covid-19 is a new and deadly disease, the effects of which can only be mitigated by government emergency mandates that include face masks, social distancing, lockdowns, travel restrictions, quarantines, PCR testing, contact tracing, and fast-tracked vaccines. It is now clear the official narratives and government statistics regarding Covid-19 infections and related deaths are not based on conclusive scientific evidence and peer-reviewed medical facts, but a political ideology.
Please listen below to a group of courageous medical doctors and scientists around the world who are trying to expose the truth about the SARS Cov-2 pandemic and Covid-19 vaccine.
Tens of thousands of independent scientific and medical experts worldwide have refuted the official Covid-19 narrative and statistics. There can be only one scientific truth about the epidemiology and pathogenetic effects of this so-called novel coronavirus. To know the truth we must have the intellectual integrity and moral courage to accept it.
Following are verifiable scientific and medical facts regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.
1. No SARS Cov-2 virus molecule has ever been identified and isolated in a controlled clinical environment based on peer-reviewed scientific standards. Virtually all of the related WHO, CDC, and government-affiliated medical research has used DNA/RNA sequenced genetic materials from "similar" or mutated strains of coronavirus, not a "novel" or newly identified and isolated strain of the virus. According to the CDC no actual 'novel' SARS Cov-2 molecule was "available" for clinical research and therefore the published Covid-19 clinical research data is based on replicated (copied) and sequenced RNA/genetic material from "similar" enveloped RNA virus strains (e.g., H1N1, Swine Flu,). Based on all the relevant published scientific data there is no hard medical evidence that the novel SARS Cov-2 virus exists.
2. The Polymerase Chain Reaction test (PCR) relies on an RNA transcription enzyme to sequence and replicate (copy) DNA/genetic materials. PCR test samples are examined under an electron microscope at different cycle thresholds (CT) of amplification. The higher the cycle of amplification the greater the concentration of identifiable genetic material in the sequence. When PCR test samples are examined under an electron microscope at 25 cycles of amplification or higher, the genetic samples in the sequence become clouded (contaminated) with extraneous genetic and cellular materials that render the isolation and identification of a specific coronavirus molecule virtually impossible. Notwithstanding the above, the WHO and CDC are advising government-affiliated laboratories to examine PCR test samples at 35-40 cycles of amplification, resulting in an exceptionally high percentage of "false positives". The "false positive" infection statistics are being used by governments worldwide to justify their destructive Covid-19 emergency mandates.
3. The typical coronavirus/influenza molecule is approximately .12 microns in size. Most cloth masks permit the transmission of bacteria or virus molecules up to 5 microns in size. Designer masks, scarfs and other loose-fitting face coverings are even less effective. There are proven serious health risks associated with face masks. When we exhale, our lungs expel Carbon Dioxide (Co2) and other toxic waste. According to world health standards the level of Co2 in the air we breathe should not exceed 1,000 parts per million. It is a scientific fact that face masks produce toxic Co2 levels of 10,000 ppm or higher. Co2 toxicity and oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) can cause severe damage to our neurological, cardiovascular, and immune systems, especially the elderly and those with preexisting health conditions. There is simply no compelling scientific evidence to support the mandatory use of face masks to prevent the spread of SARS Cov-2.
4. According to publish government health statistics worldwide 99.8% of those infected by Covid-19 will survive. If the statistics are accurate, what is the scientific justification for face masks, lockdowns, quarantines, and other emergency mandates that are destabilizing societies and causing irreparable damage to our entire global socio-economic system. At a certain point, blind obedience to abusive authority becomes a choice.
Martin Luther King once said: "The day we see the truth and cease to speak it is the day we begin to die". Throughout history, evil has prevailed because those who knew the truth refused to speak it. There are many reasons we consciously avoid the truth, fear being the most common. We are afraid of being ridiculed, shamed and rejected by those whose opinions and approval we value. We are intimidated by those in positions of authority who have the power to do us harm if we refuse to comply with their commands.
Those who have the moral courage to speak "unarmed truth" to power, as Martin Luther King called it, are indeed rare. Truth needs no defense. It requires no force. Truth belongs to each of us--rich and poor, strong and weak, black and white, old and young. Truth has the power to set us free from tyranny, but we can progress and achieve the ideals of equal justice and freedom only if we have the courage to seek the truth together, and the common will to use it to change all lives for the better.
The Covid-19 pandemic has devastated the lives of tens of thousands of Bahamians. Our people are suffering deeply. Private sector unemployment is at the highest level in our history. Hundreds of private sector businesses (the very source of our common economic wellbeing) have been closed by the government and forced to permanently lay off their employees. Thousands of Bahamians are now on the verge of starving. Our poorest children are trapped at home and cannot attend school. Remote learning requires a computer and internet connection which many families cannot afford. Given the above facts, how can we accept this injustice and allow such abject socio-economic conditions to exist in our country?
From our beginning humanity has struggled in a continuous state of moral confusion and conflict. The ebbs and flows of history illustrate our common struggle to find meaning and purpose in life. We have reached a defining moment in our history. We must choose between the dignity and value of every human life, and the perceived imperatives of a mythical collective good. Our common destiny will be defined by the path we choose.
Charlie Beall
President & CEO
PureH2O, Ltd.
PureH2O News Supplement:
Last week my dear friend, Dr. Walter Williams died at the age of 84. Walter was a distinguished professor of economics at George Mason University in Virginia. For over 50 years he was a trusted source of wisdom and inspiration to those who believe in the power of the individual human spirit. He was an indefatigable defender of human rights and widely admired for his exceptional intellect and integrity. Walter's last published article before he died is copied below.
As we navigate this Covid-19 public health crisis, Walter's final words are profoundly relevant. Following his article is a short biographical commentary written ten years ago by Dr. Thomas Sowell, another great champion of human rights, personal freedom, and self-determination.
Costs Must Be Weighed Against Benefits
By Walter E. Williams
December 9, 2020
One of the first lessons in an economics class is every action has a cost. That is in stark contrast to lessons in the political arena where politicians virtually ignore cost and talk about benefits and free stuff. If we look only at the benefits of an action, policy, or program, then we will do anything because there is a benefit to any action, policy, or program.
Think about one simple example. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 36,096 Americans lost their lives in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2019. Virtually all those lives could have been saved if we had a 5 mph speed limit. The huge benefit of a 5 mph speed limit is that those 36,000-plus Americans would have been with us instead of lost in highway carnage. Fortunately, we look at the costs of having a 5 mph speed limit and rightly conclude that saving those 36,000-plus lives are not worth the costs and inconvenience. Most of us find it too callous, when talking about life, to explicitly weigh costs against benefits. We simply say that a 5 mph speed limit would be impractical.
What about the benefits and costs of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic? Much of the medical profession and politicians say that lockdowns, social distancing, and mask-wearing are the solutions. CDC data on death rates show if one is under 35, the chances of dying from COVID-19 is much lower than that of being in a bicycle accident. Should we lockdown bicycles? Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, biostatistician and epidemiologist, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University and an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician and epidemiologist were the initiators of the Great Barrington Declaration. More than 50,000 scientists and doctors, as well as more than 682,000 ordinary people, have signed the Great Barrington Declaration opposing a second COVID-19 lockdown because they see it doing much more harm than good.
Efforts to keep very young from getting COVID-19, given most will not even realize they have it or will suffer only mild symptoms, may be counterproductive in that it delays the point where a country has herd immunity. According to the CDC, COVID-19 deaths in young people (from babies to college students) are almost nonexistent. The first age group to provide a substantial contribution to the death toll is 45-54 years, who contribute nearly 5% of all coronavirus deaths. More than 80% of deaths occur in people aged 65 and over. That increases to over 92% if the 55-64 age group is included.
Thus, only a tiny number of people under age 25 die of COVID-19. Yet, schools have been closed, and tens of millions of schoolchildren have been denied in-class instruction. Mandating that 5-year-olds wear masks during their school day is beyond nonsense. Virtual learning can serve as a substitute for in-class teaching but it has mixed results. Some parents can provide their children with the necessary tools, perhaps hire tutors, and take an active interest in what their children are doing online. Other parents will not have the interest, ability, or time.
Here is a lockdown question for you. Government authorities permit groceries and pharmacies to remain open during lockdowns. They permitted stores likes Walmart, Costco, and Sam’s Club to remain open. However, these stores sell items that are also sold in stores that were locked down such as Macy’s, J.C. Penney, J. Crew Group, Neiman Marcus, and Bed Bath & Beyond. The lack of equal treatment caused many employees to lose their jobs and many formerly financially healthy retailers have filed for bankruptcy.
As a political satirist, H. L. Mencken said, “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” By the way, the best time to scare people, be wrong, and persist in being wrong is when the costs of being wrong are borne by others.
Walter E. Williams is the John M. Olin distinguished professor of economics at George Mason University and a nationally syndicated columnist. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate web page.
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Walter Williams' Memoir
By Dr. Thomas Sowell
December 6, 2010
Walter E. Williams is my oldest and closest friend. But I didn't know that his autobiography had just been published until a talk show host told me last week. I immediately got a copy of "Up from the Projects," started reading it before dinner and finished reading it before bedtime.
It is the kind of book that you hate to put down, even though I already knew how the story would end.
The first chapter, about Walter's life growing up in the Philadelphia ghetto, was especially fascinating. It brought back a whole different era in black communities— an era that is now almost irretrievably lost, to the great disadvantage of today's generation growing up in the same neighborhoods where Walter grew up in Philadelphia or where I grew up in Harlem.
Although Walter's memoir is titled "Up from the Projects," the projects of the era when he was growing up bear virtually no resemblance to the projects of today.
For one thing, those projects were clean, and the people living in them helped keep them clean, by sweeping the halls and tending to the surrounding areas outside of the buildings as well. The people living in the projects then were probably poorer than the people living in the projects now. But they had not yet succumbed to the moral squalor afflicting such places today.
More importantly, they— and the whole black community of which they were part— were far safer than today. As late as 1958, when Walter was a young taxi driver in Philadelphia, he used to park his cab in the wee hours of the morning and take a nap in it. As he points out, "A cabbie doing the same thing today would be deemed suicidal."
There were jobs for black teenagers in those days, and Walter worked at a dizzying variety of those jobs. Most of those jobs are long gone today, as are the businesses that hired black teenagers.
While there are greater opportunities for many blacks today, there are far fewer opportunities for those blacks at the bottom, living in ghettos across the country and trapped in a counterproductive and even dangerous way of life.
The times in which Walter Williams grew up were by no means idyllic times, nor was Walter a model child nor always a model adult, as he candidly shows. He even reproduces the documents recording his court-martial in the Army.
How Walter Williams changed for the better— partly as a result of his wife, who "became a civilizing and humanizing influence in my life"— is one of the themes of this book. The other great influence in Walter's life was his mother, one of those strong and wise black women who has had much to do with providing the foundation from which many other black men and women rose out of poverty to higher levels of achievement.
With Walter, that path was not a straight line but had many zigs and zags, and there were times when he was a disappointment to his mother. But, in the end, he vindicated all the efforts and hopes that she had invested in him.
There were also teachers, and then professors, who played a role in developing his mind— especially hard-nosed teachers in Philadelphia who chewed him out when he messed up and UCLA professors who bluntly told him when his work wasn't good enough.
None of them was the kind of warm, chummy educators that so many hold up as an ideal. After Walter Williams earned his Ph.D. in economics and went on to become a professor himself, he was scathing in his criticism of fuzzy-minded faculty members who think they are doing students a favor by going easy on them or giving them higher grades than they deserve.
As he began to write about racial issues, Walter was able to draw not only on his research as an economist but also on his personal experiences in the Philadelphia ghetto, in the Jim Crow South, and in South Africa, where he lived for some months during the era of Apartheid.
Few others had so much to draw on, and many of them failed to understand that Walter Williams saw a lot deeper than they did. As a result, his conclusions made him a controversial figure.
When I finished reading "Up from the Projects," I wished it had been a longer book. But it got the job done— and its insights are much needed today.
To find out more about Thomas Sowell and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. His Web site is
Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV [SARS-CoV-2] are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full-length RNA…”
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Nassau, Bahamas